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Thank you for visiting our web site! On behalf of the Second Baptist Church of Calais, I would like to invite you to visit with us as we worship on Sunday mornings at 10:45 AM (10:00 AM from June 2 through Sept. 1) and Sunday evenings at 6:00PM. We are a multi-generational congregation, deeply committed to our individual faith and to one another. We strive to pursue God-glorifying worship, faithful teaching of the Bible, loving witness and outreach to our community and the world, and rich fellowship with each other.


Our Sunday School program begins with our nursery. We cherish our youngest members and guests, and strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment for them to interact with one another and learn about our Lord through song and play. This same loving attitude carries all the way through to our adult classes.  Every age range is represented in our Sunday School, and we have wonderful volunteers who have lots of wisdom and experience in working with children and youth.


Our 10:45AM (10:00 AM  June 2 through Sept. 1) Sunday worship service is a mix of traditional and contemporary practices, with an emphasis on the dynamic preaching of the Word of God. All ages share in the worship experience, and nursery services are also provided.  2BC is a church known throughout the community for its love, genuine warmth, and willing service, so please come and see what the Lord is doing in us and through us. You are welcome to come and join in our worship services or any of the other meetings and events we host (concerts, youth group, community meals, Bible studies, and more!).


There is a place for everyone here to learn about Jesus and to be a part of our congregation!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me by phone at (207) 454-2579, to send an email to our church office (


Grace and peace to you,

Pastor Matt




Sunday school for all ages:

9:30 AM


Morning Worship Service In

Person & Online

​10:45 AM


Evening Service

6:00 PM EST 



Bible Study & Prayer in person & LIVE on our facebook page at 6:00 PM


For a complete list of weekly

services please click the

SERVICE TIMES  button below.


Since 2010 Pastor Matt Burden along with his family has been ministering here at Second Baptist Church.  Born in northern Maine his growing-up years were spent partly there and partly on the mission field in Brazil.  To find out more about our wonderful pastor follow the link below. 


Established in 1842, Second Baptist Church originally known as Calais Village Baptist Church has grown to have wonderful presence in the St. Croix Valley. Rich with history it includes stories of former pastors who have traveled the world and some of whom have even helped shape our countries history.  Follow the link below to read more. 


We are a multi-generational congregation, deeply committed to our individual faith and to one another. We strive to pursue God-glorifying worship, faithful teaching of the Bible, loving witness and outreach to our community and the world, and rich fellowship with each other.




21 Church Street
Calais, Maine 04619 

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